Spring Fever....or maybe it's just a headache

Today was a tough day.

I woke up this morning at 6am to find all the cars in the parking lot covered with snow. I knew right then and there things at school would be crazy. And I wasn't wrong.

We had a special event at school today called the "Jungle Mobile." I'm not sure why it was called that, since the different stations dealt with topics like seatbelts, helmets, pedestrian safety, fire prevention, accident prevention and poison avoidance. Anyway, the kids were supposed to scatter and find their way around all the stations, then meet back up before returning to class. Sounds simple, doesn't it? Well, lots of things sound simple in theory- but reality is usually much different. I can't think of an example from nature that will help me get across how chaotic this event was. An ant bed is too calm. A swarm of killer bees is too sedate. Picture in your mind about 80 5, 6 and 7 year olds all swirling around a gym bouncing from one station to another- stopping, dropping and rolling, trying on helmets, clicking seatbelts and generally running around having a grand time. By the time I managed to round up my 20 ducklings, the buses were there and waiting to spirit them home, where their parents could deal with them.

The only thing keeping me from the fetal position under a desk is the knowledge that we have no school tomorrow. Which means I get to play in the kitchen all day!

I have several things I'd like to tackle over this long weekend. And I have several posts to catch up on. Last weekend I conquered my fear of biscuits (there aren't any pics because the biscuits didn't last long enough- but maybe I'll make another batch to freeze). I also made a big batch of spaghetti and meatballs. Oh and then there was the meatloaf.

This weekend I will face my fear of tortilla making. Last time I tried to make corn tortillas, they exploded into thousands of little pieces. I plan to try making both flour and corn varieties. I found some recipes around the blogosphere for stuffed tortillas, which will make things even more interesting.

I have set a goal to try and post everyday. With school drawing to a close, the next month will be very challenging- but there will be no shortage of blog material!

Ok- so I will go now and make a list of the posts I will write over the next few days....so check back soon!


Anonymous said…
Good luck with your weekend plans! Hope the tortillas work well and I can learn from you :)


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