Blog Writing as Therapy...?
Eddie & Patsy enjoying the back porch. I've had this blog for a long time. When I started it, I was newly married and living in a new place. I wanted a way to share recipes with friends and record all the new things I was seeing and learning. My life has changed drastically in the last 2 years. To say I am struggling with the changes is a massive understatement. I left my husband and the life we had built in Colorado... My mother passed away... I went back to work at a place I love... I rejoined my support system here in Savannah... After more than a year of moping around and treating myself abominably, I have started to make some changes for the better. I'm thinking of reviving this blog as a supplement to the therapy I've begun. I thought about deleting all the past entries... Entries from a life that doesn't exist anymore... But I decided not to. Even though it is painful to see them, that span of time made me who I am today. I suppose that's g...