
I have not been blogging much lately. Perhaps this is because I have been working my tail end off. I should say volunteering my tail end off.
I have been volunteering on the college campus in the Service Learning Department. I really like the work these people are doing. They go into schools and help teachers plan service projects for their students to do.
Just this week, we brought the seventh grade from the local middle school to our campus and gave them a little taste of what it's like to be in college. They got a tour of the college, an English and Science class with actual professors and a chance to eat in a real college cafeteria (not sure how much of a benefit that is). The kids had a blast. My feet just hurt.
Next week, we will visit the school and follow up with these students. We will also begin helping them plan a project that will allow them to work with the local homeless shelter, providing a meal for the people who live there. I think more students should get out in their communities and do this kind of thing. It teaches them how to be little humans. It also teaches them that maybe things aren't so bad where they live. Perhaps they will learn to count their blessings.
Anyway, I've been so caught up in this project, and applying for jobs that I haven't been blogging like I should. I promise this weekend I'll make up for lost time. :)


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