Back to the Grind...

School has started around here for Dev and me, which means things have been really really busy.

Dev is taking all night classes this semester, which means I get off work at 4pm and he has to be in class at 5:30. This makes dinner somewhat challenging.

Because of recent health issues, eating out is not a realistic option for me, so I have had to become much more organized and deliberate about planning meals. I had no idea how much of my time would be taken up by the planning and then the prepping of meals.

Prices at the grocery store are still climbing higher and higher, so in addition to the time/diet crunch, there's also budget to consider. I am trying to become a much better pantry cook. When planning this week's meals, instead of leafing through hundreds of magazines and blogs like I normally would, I went instead to the pantry. What could I make from what I had, adding a few fresh items from the grocery store? It turned out I could make quite a few things. We have eaten well this week- BBQ chicken, shrimp Pad Thai, some really good crock pot oatmeal, pasta with zucchini and parmesan, etc. The problem from the blogging perspective is I haven't had time to get any pics of anything!

We did make one new purchase this month. We bought an ice cream maker. And boy have we enjoyed it. So far we have made 2 batches of green tea ice cream, one batch of white Russian ice cream (omg- this stuff is addictive) and tonight I'm making a batch of watermelon sorbet.

I'm rambling now, and I have a quiche to put together for lunches for the rest of the week.

Hopefully the posting will get better as I get back into the rhythm of this schedule...


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