
I have made a big decision.  I have been struggling with it for a few weeks now.

Anybody who knows me, knows I have struggled with weight all my life.  When I was younger, it was pretty much all vanity.  But now that I'm older, it has more to do with my health.

A few weeks ago I went to our school district's health fair and had blood drawn.  I got the results back a few days later and was pretty pleased with the results.  For my age and weight, I'm in fairly ok health.  But I was also taking 2 medications for blood pressure, and another prescription to help me sleep.  Not to mention I'm wearing a black boot because of nerve damage (not necessarily health connected- but I'm sure recovery would be easier if I was lighter and more positive).

I went to see a new doctor not long after that, and told her I'd like to get to a point where I don't have to take any medications.  That's when she started talking to me about being vegan.

It made total sense.  When I came home, I looked at the resources she had given me, and did some digging around on my own.  I contacted friends who were vegan and asked questions.  The more I learned, the more I knew I needed to move in that direction, but began thinking of all the foods I love that I'd have to give up.

At this point, I have decided to do it, but gradually.  I have an ice box full of dairy- yogurt, cheese, milk.  As things run out, I'll be looking for vegan substitutes.  I also dearly love eggs.  So I am not going cold turkey- but trying some new things and looking for ways to tweak existing dishes and make them more vegan.

So far, so good.  I haven't had any meat in over a week (I won't miss it that much).  I did have some sushi on Friday- so seafood will be a challenge.  But I'm keeping a positive attitude.  I am trying to eat mostly plant based Monday - Friday, then allow myself to eat as I'd like on the weekends.  Hopefully as each week passes, the weekends will be less like a binge and more like an opportunity for an occasional treat.

My plan is to share the recipes I make here, and also give my opinions on the vegan substitutes I buy and use.

It will be an interesting journey.  I hope you stick around to take it with me!


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