The Blender of Love.....

The Blender of Love....., originally uploaded by All Things Mimi.

Here is my dream blender, given to me for my birthday by my most wonderfulest boyfriend.
I also got a package from my parents. My mom had sent me a set of beautiful earrings and a necklace, made by a local artist in Savannah.
Earlier tonight, Tonya and Shane joined Dev and I for dinner at St. Ives (a little dive bar on Main Street). I think they have the best hand cut french fries in Alamosa. Tonya brought a cake along to celebrate my birthday. We had a great time talking and dreaming of places we'd like to live. When the conversation turned to celebrity butt-plugs and plain brown paper packages, we decided to leave before we offended everyone in the place.
Happy Birthday memories......all I need now is my tiara.


Anonymous said…
Its the most beautiful blender EVER! Is it red or orange - either way - it will look splendid with margaritas in it. I wish I could have been there to help you celebrate - the time will come and right soon!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday, Mimi! Belatedly! :)

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