My Trip Home to Georgia

I didn't blog very much while I was gone.  There are a couple of reasons for this.  One-  I was too busy eating to stop and blog anything.  Two- I wasn't really sure what to say.

I've been in Colorado for 8 years now. You would think after 8 summers home, things would get easier.  But they don't.  I always have a great time at home- eating wonderful fresh seafood and spending time with friends and family.  I'm usually home for about a month, which is just long enough for my skin and hair to adjust to the extreme humidity.  It's also just enough time for me to realize just how much I miss home.

Homesick blog posts aren't very fun to read.

So what I decided to do this time around, was just link to my flickr account, so people can just browse through all the pictures I took while I was there.  The vast majority of them are food.  This shouldn't shock anyone.

That's about all I want to say about my summer trip home.


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