Conversations With Kids

This is a conversation I had with one of my students today. We are waiting at the door for the second bus to arrive, so I can walk them out.

Student (standing with hands stuffed in her sleeves- using an odd unidentifiable accent)- "I am karate grand champion!"
Me (in an equally odd accent)- "Patience young grasshopper"- as I assume my best ninja pose and wave my hand in her face.
(Student looks at me like I'm from Mars)
Me- "Haven't you ever heard that before? That's a line from a really famous karate movie!
Student- "You're weird."
Me- "Yeah, but weird's good, isn't it?"
Student- "No- it's just weird."


Anonymous said…
This kids parents may not have even seen or heard the're wierd and old. hehehe

Mimi said…
Great....that helps.

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