
IMG_0913, originally uploaded by All Things Mimi.

This has been on our doorstep since we got home from Georgia.

I have a particular soft spot for Maine Coons, and this is a beautiful one. I think she is still pretty young, although she is not a kitten. She has some digestive issues- mostly because she is eating out of garbage cans- but other than that, she looks pretty healthy. Considering the fact that it has been below zero here every night since we got back, she must have somewhere sheltered to sleep. Her name should be icicle, cuz that's what she is.

Dev and I have considered adopting her- in spite of a lease that stipulates no pets- but we just aren't ready for the responsibility (or the litter box).

If you live in the Alamosa area and you would like to adopt this cat- feel free to leave a comment. I haven't seen her around today- but I'm pretty sure she'll be back.


Anonymous said…
Ohhh man, you are an evil, EVIL woman..
Christmas said…
WOWWWWWWWWW !!!!!!!!!!!
So cute ....
Anonymous said…
That's a great face!
Anonymous said…
Hi Mimi ~

I have one of those too. She is all black, and smells like dryer sheets. Sometimes they find us for a reason. :)

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