Watermelon Sorbet

Everyone in my family loves watermelon- especially ice cold.

Mom and I bought a watermelon while we were out and about. When we brought it home, I went ahead and cubed it and put it in a big plastic container in the ice box so we'd have it around to nibble on.

The more I thought about the huge container of watermelon in the ice box, the more I thought about making something with it. Then it came to me- SORBET!

The recipe was easy (I think I got it from allrecipes.com).

Watermelon Sorbet:

2 c. watermelon puree
3/4 c. simply syrup
2 T. fresh lemon juice

You just mix everything together and chill it for an hour. After that, I dumped it in Dad's ice cream maker and came back 45 minutes later.

Here are some pics:

I realize the pic of the finished product is really lousy. I just couldn't get it to scoop in an attractive way. I can assure you, however, that the taste was wonderful. Next time I will probably eliminate half the sugar called for in the recipe.


kindageeky said…
Nice post, I've been craving watermelon with the heat here in Denver, think I'll give this a try.

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