Neurosis As A Life Style...

I freak out about many things. I know this about myself. This drives Devin crazy. Which, if you think about it, is kinda funny! :)

Lately, my freakouts have centered around my health (borderline high blood pressure, acid reflux and general old age), family drama (health issues on both sides of our family), job prospects for Dev and an upcoming move for us to who knows where.


My latest freakout is lead in cosmetics. Did you know there is lead in many products WE PUT ALL OVER OUR BODIES???? It amazes me that we obsess about what we eat, yet we don't ever even read the labels on the products we put on the largest organ of our bodies- our skin!

I was skipping around on the internet the other day and just happened to read an article about lead in lipstick. Lead in lipstick?? Yes, lead in lipstick. It seems that lead is in quite a bit of the lipstick we buy. And it's not only lipstick. There are many body products that contain all sorts of disease causing chemicals.

So, after taking a hard look at my make-up drawer, I have decided to do some research on alternatives for people who do not wish to slather themselves in carcinogens every morning before heading to work.

This evening I sat down and looked at I have an older catalog of theirs that I picked up after attending a local lecture on making your own salves and balms. They list all sorts of organic products, including teas and tea brewing equipment, as well as essential oils and hand made balms and lotions. I am seriously thinking of ordering small sizes of several of their products, just to see what happens. If I do it, I'll be sure to fill you in on what I think.


Dane Runner said…
great blog. I especially liked the info on chili, fusion salad and That reflux can be a problem, I stick with the over-the-counter stuff I've found at Walgreens, works great.
Dane Runner said…
Great blog Mimi. I really like the chili, salad photos/recipe. Also, the site is cool. Take care of that reflux. Walgreens has this great over-the-counter alternative to prescription Rx that works really well for me. Chuck
Emmy Lou said…
I'm with you on this - I'm all over it. I switched entirely to mineral based makeup, and buy natural lotions and shampoos (mainly checking for parabin free) You can get a lot of good stuff at the valley food co-op here in town, and they will order lots of stuff for you. Oh and Burts Bees is easy to find too!
Mimi said…
Emmy- did you know that Burt's Bees makes one of the lip balms (tinted) that might contain lead? I still wear the untinted balms, but I threw out my tube of "Merlot" because I found it on a list of possible lead offenders.

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