Is It Summer Yet?

Wow. You'd think with a brand new computer I'd be blogging all over the place. Apparently not. I could blame in on the last few hectic weeks of school. And it is partly that. When we get home from school, we fix dinner and then fall into a semi-vegetative state in front of a baseball game or Top Gear or something else.

I've been cooking up a storm lately. This weekend I whipped up a batch of home made marinara and used it to make a pretty darn tasty veggie lasagna. I even made a swiss and bacon quiche to get a jumpstart on breakfasts this week. Tonight I made grilled chicken tacos with corn/jalapeno salsa. Tomorrow will be Santa Fe Quinoa Chicken Salad. Hopefully I'll remember to take some pics and blog the results. I did take pics of the lasagna. The tacos were gone by the time I even thought about the camera. Oh well, you can't win 'em all!


Emmy Lou said…
Top Gear - woo hoo! :)

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