Breakfast Sausage Version 1.0

Another thing I never find to my liking is breakfast sausage. Home made recipes usually turn out too dry and bland. Store bought versions are either too salty or over do the maple or whatever other artificial flavoring they use.

I have decided to take on the project of finding the perfect breakfast sausage recipe. Here is the base recipe I used this time around:

1/2 lb. ground pork (next time maybe I'll use a mixture of meats?)
a handful of dried blueberries
1 tablespoon REAL maple syrup
1/2 onion- sauteed in olive oil
1 tablespoon chopped fresh sage
1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh oregano
a handful of bread crumbs

Put everything in a bowl and squish around with your hand until it comes together. Form it into whatever size patties you want and cover with plastic wrap. Store in the fridge overnight.

I plan to have this batch in the morning for breakfast, so I'll tell you how it came out then!
Here's a pic of the patties in their raw state....

Depending on what happens with these...stay tuned for Breakfast Sausage Version 1.1, or 2.0, whatever the next one would be!


Anonymous said…
Hope those turned out good, they sure do look delicious. I have the same "issues" with breakfast sausage as you do, so I found this very interesting. Thank you!

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