A Little Self Reflection...

As long as I can remember, I have been a lousy sleeper. I have spent long hours pondering this (usually in the middle of the night).

I am also a night owl. Great ideas or solutions to problems always come to me late at night. Mornings are not my favorite time.

Worrying is a favorite hobby of mine. I'm sure this is part of the reason I'm an insomniac. I can make myself sick worrying about something.

What do all these things equal? Devin would say "one neurotic chic." I have to agree. People always offer suggestions like, "just stop worrying." Well if I could do that, I would. Given a choice, I'd rather sleep.

I'm not sure why I brought all this up. Just sharing, I guess.


Anonymous said…
I've struggled on and off all my life with sleep issues too. Usually my brain just won't shut off, and once it's quiet, it runs amok.

The big irony: I come up with killer ideas in the middle of the night, and have no energy the next day to do anything with any of them.
Anonymous said…
Yep - I'd say you are superior worrier, perhaps only topped by Heidi.
As for the insomnia - ME TOO - my brain just spins and spins.
I also recently read an article about how insomnia has more negative effects on women than men - as far as functioning normally in a sleep deprived state...There you go - something new to worry about :) Diane

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