Going out for supplies.

IMG_1018, originally uploaded by All Things Mimi.

Dev and I finally ventured out after lunch to get some supplies from WalMart (I know- I hate the place but don't have many other retail choices).
What have I done with my day???? Hmmmm....

I've consumed numerous cups of hot green tea, watched foodtv til my head is about to explode and even watched a couple of Bermuda Triangle and UFO documentaries. A good day, I'd say.

Tonight I am going to make a good hot dinner. I decided instead of the roasted veggie risotto I had planned to make, we're going to have roasted veggie smothered enchiladas with mexican rice and home made refried beans. I made this decision because I have everything on hand for the enchilidas, but would have to buy Vermouth and parmesan cheese to make the risotto. So much for planning ahead, right???


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