Super Bowl Sunday!!!!

Yes, today is the day the two best NFL teams will meet up and determine a champion. Today is also the day I challenge one of my biggest culinary fears- SUSHI. I will be making sushi for the big game tonight, as well as offering some commentary on the game (and commercials).

I decided to do this on my personal blog instead of the food blog for several reasons, among them 1- this could fail miserably and 2- it might take up a lot of space, and I don't want to post tons of pics only to use up the space for Diane.

I will put a link on the other blog, so it will all work out, I'm sure.

It is 1:15 here, and I am going to roast some asparagus and some portabello sliced for my veggie rolls...

Check back soon!


Anonymous said…
Don't be afraid grasshopper - all will be fine! I have as much faith that you can make sushi as I have in your parallel parking abilities!

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