Garfield County Fair!

demolition derby, originally uploaded by All Things Mimi.

Friday night we walked down to the Thai Chile Bistro for some sushi, then we decided to saunter on down to the county fair. I think this is a big deal around here, judging from the crowd.

I know this is going to make me sound like a snob, but sometimes I can't believe how much my life has changed in the past 3 years.

I'm not sure which is more redneck.....watching a demolition derby....or watching and taking pictures through the fence because you're too cheap to buy tickets to the demolition derby.

When I told Di what our plans were for the evening, she commented that these two things were at opposite ends of the cultural spectrum. I believe she used the term dichotomy. I knew what the word meant, but I had to look up how to spell it!


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